Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Filtered Self-Portraits.

I enjoyed creating this , i like that we had a lot of freedom with this image and that we could incorporate images of ourselves and that it could explain me. These images have all been taken over the last one and a half years , so they show how i am different too , the image in the middle is my most recent taken picture so i felt the middle would be a good spot for it.
All the filters i used were very different and some of them have more filter than others it shows that i have two different sides.
The frame had to somehow explain ourselves , and the meaning to mine is that i like to entertain people and i do acting and i like to sing , i like entertaining people cause if i like what i am doing and they enjoy watching me then that's amazing.
This project came out a lot better than i had expected , and i am very proud of this outcome.

1 comment:

  1. this turned out so well! one of the best i've seen for this project. all the work on your blog is creative & visually appealing. glad you're in dig imaging this year.
